Friday, October 19, 2012

New Shoe Debates

  After running exclusively in the Brooks Cascadia for the last few years I've decided to experiment a little with something new.Its not that the Cascadia gave me any problems, its just that after training on the road this past summer in a pair of Saucony Kinvara 3 I've become somewhat addicted to the lower lighter feel. Funny enough when I originally switched to Cascadias it was because their heel was much lower than my previous Asics trail shoe.
   I initially tried the Saucony Kinvara TR and found it to be a great shoe. Its light and grips well, the only downfall being a slightly smaller toe box,which is easily remedied by going up a half size.I had thought about the Brooks Pure Grit as well but the initial release of the shoe was black .Not a problem for most people but this is where I get a little strange.Black shoes don't feel fast,as a trail runner I look down a lot and the sight of a brightly coloured shoe makes my feet look faster.Kind of like a  Ferrari wouldn't look near as quick if it was chocolate brown. Long  story short when I went to visit my friends at Hamilton Runners Den  and Dan Pauls held up the "nightlife" version of this shoe  I was sold.
  So now I have two pairs of shoes I like and the entire training season to try and decide which ones I like more.I'll be sure to keep updating as I go along, we are coming into the mud season now so some real testing should start soon.Maybe when they are both completely chocolate brown the decision will come down to more than the red laces on the Kinvara.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Training Begins Again

   Training for ultras is a never ending cycle. We push hard everyday for months and then the day comes and everything you have or haven't done is painfully brought to your attention. I've run several 100 milers now, found what works for me and what doesn't, and this blog will be a bit of a window into the journey to the next race.
  Running  has allowed me to meet some amazing people, ones with drive and courage that goes so deep you can't help but feel humbled in their presence.The determination to run a sub 3 hour marathon at 50 years old or charge at a record that has been held for 27 years,these people inspire me to run faster everyday. The woman who continues her marathon through pain and injury to finish in 5.30, she is my inspiration when the way seems hard. My faith in Jesus is my strength when my legs feel tired and it feels impossible to go farther.
 I'm not sure if many will read this,maybe its just a way to express the journey and hold myself accountable for the miles.If you do read it I hope that somehow I can inspire you to push farther and realize the only wall in a marathon is the one you build yourself. To coin a familiar running shoe company "Run Happy"